Chimayoweavers/Centinela Traditional Arts Since 1982

Beatrice Maestas Sandoval

"I see a means of income in my weaving, as my abilities grow. However, teaching these traditional crafts to my children, my family, and the public brings me great pleasure. These ways of making life beautiful are endangered; we have a responsibility to keep them alive and to protect them. The quality of our lives is better when we have these skills and products available for ourselves and all people. My studies began with Caroline Rackley, from whom I learned basic spinning and weaving; over the years I have participated as a member of her studio, Design Unlimited. Carla Gomez, the originator of Tejidos y Lana, made a great contribution to my understanding and skill levels in the field of traditional textiles. My studio is in my hiome where I weave on looms built by my partner, George Ulibarri, and myself. George and I develped "Southwest Designs" as a business to carry our products of Spanish style wooden furniture, traditional tin work and silversmithing."
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